Eventually, and that did not take very long, sweet Katya wanted to come for a three month visit. Well, that's ok and beats me going to Russia, most of it a cold and forbidding place, even bigger than Canada and they speak and write funny.
Katya appeared to somewhat fluent with English, no problem there. Some conflicting information here and there, surely one should remember when ones birthday is, she quoted May 15th..later May 1st...cant figure out why. Age, 29...than 27 somewhere but the nice pictures looked more like 35 or so, no problem there.
Anyway...the trip...cost of $2000 or so...she got around to ask for money..I dodged the question. Two weeks later, after some happy birthday wishes and love assurances and all that...A short note..good bye...apparently my letters were dealing too much with world affairs and politics..Not entirely true but what the hell. And so, good bye it was. Same old story. I think they call it money romance communication money scam or something like that.
I am pleased to honor your
letter. But, unfortunately, I think that we should stop writing to each other.
In every letter you tell me some very interesting news. But, unfortunately,
neither of which you do not tell myself, I want to know you, get to know the OS
you know your thoughts and feelings. And do not listen to every time that
happens in the world. So I think that we're better off if we stop our
Sincerely Katya.
Sincerely Katya.
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